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The Cognitive Science Program for Undergraduates

Cognitive Science is one of the most exciting and rapidly developing fields in modern science. The human mind is truly one of the great remaining frontiers of exploration. If you apply yourself, within a few months you could be making your own contributions to advancing the surrounding understanding of human thought and behavior.

Course Requirements

The Cognitive Science Program at Northwestern offers a major as a part of the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. Cognitive Science is also an excellent minor for any student who wants study mental processing within a broad interdisciplinary perspective.

For ideas about where to start, please visit our First-year Focus page.

To Declare

Contact the Cognitive Science Program, to set up a meeting with the Director of Undergraduate Studies to discuss your interests and goals and find aspects of the cognitive science program here at Northwestern that are particularly suited to you. 

Our FAQ page is intended to provide you with access to some frequently asked questions from students starting to consider work in Cog Sci. While you should read this material before contacting your advisor, it is not intended as a substitute for an actual meeting to discuss the major / minor.