Local Talks & Groups
Local Cognitive Science Resources
There are a number of events, talks, and workshops throughout the University that may be of interest to the Cognitive Science community. By signing up for the Cognitive Science Listserv (contact Email to get your email added to the list) you will receive notification about many of these. However, there are also a number of more specialized listservs that you may wish to join:
- The Cognitive Psychology brownbag list--email Sid Horton
- The Psychology Colloquium mailing list--email Sara Jensen
- The CS department Cognitive Systems list--email Matthew McLure
- The Music Theory & Cognition Google Group, contact Ric Ashley
- PhLing: The philosophy and linguistics working group
- Sprocet: A reading/discussion group for research on sentence processing
- Phonatics: The Phonatics Group--covering all aspects of sound structure and processing.